When should I arrange my child's first dental visit?

Dr. Kyle Hornby

Parenthood is an exciting time. For many parents it also means learning when to have checkups with the Family Doc and visits to the Dentist. You child's first dental visit should be a positive experience. It should also help you to have the necessary information to help your child build positive dental habits. Below are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about early childhood dental visits.

I hope you find these answers useful!

When should you arrange your Child's First Dental Visit?

We typically recommend your child's first routine dental checkup and cleaning to be between 2 and 3 years of age. Closer to 3, the majority of children have the ability to sit in the chair for 10 to 15 minutes. This amount of time will enable a cleaning, polish and checkup. At this time, you can ask your Dentist in Kitchener about techniques for cleaning your child's teeth, their diet, and so on.

What should I expect at my Child's First Dental Visit?

It helps if the team at your Kitchener Dental Clinic, uses a "tell, show, do" model of care for your child. As an example, for polishing their teeth they would describe the sensation they will feel on their teeth, show your child the soft rubber polisher on their finger so they know it's safe, and then proceed to polish their teeth. This approach is a hallmark of comfortable, caring Pediatric Dentistry. When it comes to working with kids, this approach is pure gold!

Your Kitchener Dentist should also want to find out about diet and home care routine for your child. They can also provide suggestions about how to make brushing and flossing easier.

Each time your child visits the Dentist's Office, the visit should function to make them more and more comfortable with what typically goes on, such as cleanings and checkups.

How do I prepare my child for their first dental visit?

Parents can play a big positive role in making their child's first dental visit a success. Generally, if you describe the cleaning and checkup vaguely and with fun and positive terms, your child will be eager for their first visit. I once had a parent, in advance of their child's first appointment for a filling, describe in detail that a needle would be used for freezing and that we would be "grinding their teeth". As you can imagine, it takes a lot to reverse the anxiety and worry that this kind of information produces. So, while nobody can or should tell you what to say to your child, I recommend keeping things fairly non-detailed and positive!

Thanks for reading today!

By Dr. Kyle Hornby, Kitchener Dentist

If you would like to arrange a No-Charge Meet & Greet consult, give us a call at (519) 576-8160 or request a consult here.

Our Kitchener Dental Clinic is conveniently located in Downtown Kitchener and we are a short drive away for families in Waterloo, Breslau & St. Jacobs. Our central location means we truly offer family dentistry near you!

This article is meant to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Accordingly, always seek the advice of your Kitchener Dentist or other healthcare provider regarding a dental condition or treatment.

Enjoy a fresh start.
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