For many people, convenience is a big plus when dealing with service providers. Most want the people that help them to be close to their home or work. This is why "dentist near me" and "dentist in Kitchener" are among the most popular search strings used to find a Dentist on Google. Other conveniences include availability of evening appointments. And payment arrangements are right at the top of the list of factors that patients find important. If you have had dental insurance for some time, you will be well aware of the convenience a direct billing dentist provides.
For some people, they choose a Dental Office they like and the fee collection arrangements are not a big deal to them. However, for the vast majority of dental patients, they prefer a direct billing Dentist. Why is this? A direct billing Family Dentist will collect the insurance amount at time of treatment. They will collect only the co-payment from you. For example, if you have a $1,000 treatment bill for a dental crown (and your dental plan covers 90%), you will pay only $100 at the end of your appointment. In contrast, a "fee for service" office will collect the expect that you pay the entire $1,000 at the time of treatment. For many, this outlay of cash in not convenient. Additionally, they have to submit the expense and relevant claim forms to their insurance and wait for reimbursement. What would you prefer?
Importantly, a small percentage of dental insurance providers do not allow for direct billing. If you have dental coverage through one of these providers, you will have to pay the entire treatment amount at your appointment. You can then recoup costs later after submitting your claim form.
There are some super-important factors to take into account when choosing a Dentist. Financial arrangements are at the top of almost everybody's list! If you are new to dental insurance, and weren't aware that there are differences in how dental offices collect fees, now you know. Thanks for reading!
This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your Dentist in Kitchener or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a dental condition or treatment.